History of RRIN

Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria was established in 1961 by the government of the former Western Region of Nigeria as part of its Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources. On creation of Midwestern Region in 1963, it became the Rubber Research Station of the new region. Following the enactment of Nigerian Research Institute Act (No. 33) of 1964 and the promulgation of Agricultural Research Institutes Decree No. 35 of 1973, the Federal Government took over the organization of rubber production in the country and amalgamated the Rubber Research Station, Iyanomo with the Rubber Research Station, Akwete (in the then East Central State) and became what is now known as Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria
The institute main station which occupies 2078 hectares of land is situated in Benin City, Edo state, with a substation (324 Ha) at Akwete, Abia state and experimental stations at Igbotako (21 Ha) Ondo state, Otuo (15 ha), Edo State and Manchok (25 ha) Kaduna state. The Federal Department of Agriculture released 50ha from her technology Transfer Station, Gashua in Yobe State to RRIN for the establishment of the Gum Arabic Research station of the Institute.